Rinderhirten RH gUG haftungsbeschränkt
Arbeitsreiten am Rind

The structure of the Rinderhirten

Rinderhirten RH UG haftungsbeschränkt was founded by Tanja and Marco Hubricht in January 2019 in Hagen, and almost at the same time eight riders joined forces to form Rinderhirten e.V. The first training catalog was written by Marco Hubricht in March 2019 from the requirements catalog that has existed since 2015. The Rinderhirten logo was registered as a trademark with the German Patent Office and Trademark Office in Munich in April 2019. Under the leadership of Thomas Lerner, the Rinderhirten team “Dreiländer Eck” was founded in May 2020.
The Rinderhirten RH UG limited liability was divided into the areas of Rinderhirten Management (RHM) and Rinderhirten Academy (RHA) in June 2020, and the Rinderhirten Institute was created in October 2021. In 2021, the Austrian association ARWA became a cooperation partner for eastern Austria.
In November 2023, the non-profit status of the Rinderhirten RH UG was recognized. The name changes to Rinderhirten RH non-profit UG limited liability (in short Rinderherten RH gUG limited liability).
Since day one, conservation centers have utilized the services of Rinderhirten. The number of cattle farmers to be looked after is constantly growing, as are the members of Rinderhirten e.V.
Rinderhirten e.V. became a non-profit organization in April 2022. At the beginning of 2023 there were more than 70 trained riders in Rinderhirten e.V.
With the company Rinderhirten RH gUG limited liability, we are building a network of working riders in order to provide serious, long-term support as a service provider in the management of cattle on the land.


I. Rinderhirten-Management (RHM)
The Rinderhirten Management (RHM) division involves collaboration with farmers, cattle breeders, conservation associations, and veterinarians. The scope of work includes herding cattle into corrals, moving herds, tagging ears, sorting animals, and capturing stray cattle, as well as fence inspection. These tasks are covered by commercial liability insurance. In Germany and Austria, Rinderhirten RH UG (haftungsbeschränkt) can rely on more than 70 certified riders. Since early 2020, we have also been able to conduct remote immobilization using blowpipes. In February 2020, Tanja Hubricht also obtained certification for "Weideschuss" (pasture shooting).
The contacts for this area are the management and regional leaders.
The knowledge of handling "free-roaming cattle" has almost been lost in Germany. We continually expand our knowledge of work riding through information exchange and training courses with working riders from the USA and Canada. Spanish mounted cattle herders and cattle breeders also provide a valuable knowledge pool for us. Different cattle breeds require different working methods—the "fleeing cattle" requires a different approach from the "attacking cattle." Work riding in open terrain presents different challenges for horse and rider compared to work in an arena or hall.
For RHM, the following always applies: Calmness and respect for the cattle and for our horses are essential components of our work. We distance ourselves from tournaments and events where cattle are worked in confined spaces for speed.


The knowledge of how to deal with "wild cattle" has almost been lost in Germany. We are constantly expanding our knowledge of working riding through the exchange of information and courses with working riders from America and Canada. The Spanish mounted cattle herders and cattle breeders are also a large pool of information for us. The different breeds of cattle also require different working methods. The "fleeing cattle" is different from the "attacking cattle". Working riding in the open presents different challenges to the rider and horse than on the field or in the hall.




II. Rinderhirten Academy (RHA)
In the Rinderhirten Academy (RHA) the training “From Horse to Cattle to Field” is conducted. Cattle work training begins with the beginners course and continues through to the cattle rider course.
There is also the option of taking a familiarization course. During this course the horse gets used to a herd of cattle.
There are also courses in roping and PEN work. There are several certified people available for training
RH instructors available.
Seminars on horse and cattle diseases are also held. Specialist trained and knowledgeable trainers are arranged for the seminars. The main focus of the training is on calm cattle work, while at the same time working in a team is trained.

Rinderhirten Akademie


III. Rinderhirten Institute (RHI)
The Rinderhirten Institute bundles the work in nature and environmental protection and participates in research projects. We are open to expertise from the fields of agriculture, veterinary medicine, environmental/animal protection, disposal/recycling as well as biology and landscape management

Rinderhirten Institut

Rinderhirten community
Anyone who shares our philosophy and attitude can become part of the Rinderhirten community. As a friend, as a partner or even as a cooperation partner.


Rinderhirten e.V. non-profit
The Rinderhirten e.V. non-profit association is also part of the Rinderhirten community. This association is made up of riders who enjoy working with cattle from horseback. Through the training opportunities secured and organized by Rinderhirten RH UG, the club members can train and refine the skills they have acquired in the RHA.

Rinderhirten e.V. Vereinsseite

Unser Kooperationspartner im östlichen Österreich

Die ARWA steht für einen stressfreien und tiergerechten Umgang, sowohl mit den uns anvertrauten Rindern als auch mit unseren Pferden. Denn Tier-, Natur- und Umweltschutz steht bei uns an erster Stelle. Der Turniersport wird dabei von uns außer Acht gelassen!.
Die Abschlüsse der ARWA und RH Lehrgänge werden gegenseitig akzeptiert.

Kontakt: ARWA - Austrian Ranch Work Association
             Obmann Johann Karner
             Zulissen 49
             AT-4261 Rainbach im Mühlkreis
             +43 664 75020995


Für Fragen über Rinderhirten RH UG
